Weekly Horoscope: November 6

Weekly Horoscope: November 6

Emotions intensify and relationships become more intimate as love planet Venus harmonizes with power planet Pluto on Monday, November 6, at 9:38 PM. Creative expression flows as Mercury, the planet of communication, harmonizes with dreamy Neptune on Tuesday, November 7. Nonverbal, artistic, and psychic communication come naturally.

Venus enters its home sign on Wednesday, November 8, at 4:30 AM, making matters of social harmony and diplomacy a little easier! Also on Wednesday, look out for conspiratorial thinking as messenger Mercury connects with power planet Pluto at 7:16 PM. Fact checking can be useful.

Mercury moves into optimistic Sagittarius on Friday, November 10, at 1:24 AM, helping us to understand the bigger picture. There’s a need to reframe our ways of thinking as Mercury clashes with Saturn at 10:07 AM, exposing limitations and doubts.

Challenging astrology falls on Saturday, November 11, as action planet Mars faces off with Uranus, the planet of surprises, at 4:11 PM. Aggressive reactions or rebellious pushback can be exhausting to keep up with—try to act, not react!

To read more about this month’s astrology, check your monthly horoscope!

All times ET.

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Aries: March 20, 2023 – April 20, 2023

Power dynamics and relationships concerning your work and health are understood as Venus harmonizes with power planet Pluto, showing material results. Health is wealth! Love planet Venus enters your chart’s house of relationships, bringing peace and harmony to your interpersonal dynamics. Look out for conspiratorial thinking as Mercury connects with Pluto, which could find you entertaining investigations into the unknown, or unknowable! You might feel some pressure to act defensively as your planetary ruler, Mars, faces off with Uranus. It’s hard to know exactly what other people’s motivations are. Try to pace yourself, and be mindful not to act prematurely, or destructively.

Taurus: April 20, 2023 – May 21, 2023

Your planetary ruler, Venus, harmonizes with power planet Pluto, intensifying sensuality and emotional intimacy. There is a strong desire for trust and follow through. Issues of jealousy or power imbalances can be worked through. Emotional conversations flow as messenger Mercury harmonizes with dreamy Neptune, helping you and others find a shared vision of the future that feels right. Venus enters your chart’s house of work and routine, bringing harmony to your day-to-day life. Look out for conspiratorial thinking as Mercury connects with Pluto, which finds you reading into things with X-ray vision. Tense and erratic relationship dynamics require de-escalation as Mars faces off with Uranus.

Gemini: May 21, 2023 – June 21, 2023

Make peace with the unknown and imagine a happy ending as love planet Venus harmonizes with power planet Pluto. What’s happening at work and your job title can be hard to pin down as Mercury harmonizes with dreamy Neptune. You’re able to slip into different roles, but consider the job that feels best for you. Mercury aligns with Pluto, connecting you with your instincts about money and survival. Mercury starts a new chapter in your chart’s house of relationships. Serious discussions unfold as Mercury clashes with Saturn, shaping your responsibilities. Use your words and ask for help to avoid burnout as Mars faces off with Uranus.

Cancer: June 21, 2023 – July 22, 2023

Deep conversations about relationships occur as love planet Venus harmonizes with power planet Pluto. Discussions of secrets and things that might be better left unsaid take place as Mercury connects with Pluto, the planet of secrets. Handle your words with care, and honesty. Venus enters your chart’s house of home and family, bringing harmony to your domestic relationships. A sense of privacy and rest can help you find the best way to maintain peace in your relationships. Avoid drama in your friend groups and dating life as Mars faces off with Uranus across your chart’s social sector.

Leo: July 22, 2023 – August 23, 2023

It’s easy to get wrapped up in other people’s stories as Mercury harmonizes with dreamy Neptune. This is a mentally disarming aspect! It’s helpful for getting a more personal understanding of other people’s beliefs, but consider whether you’re filling in blank spaces with your own narrative. Look out for conspiratorial thinking as Mercury connects with Pluto, which can raise suspicions or press you to dig deeper into whatever evidence you have. As Mars faces off with Uranus, the outside world is a chaos that you can either hide from, or run straight into the heart of.

Virgo: August 23, 2023 – September 23, 2023

Tap into your own personal power of attraction and charm as love planet Venus harmonizes with power planet Pluto. You can be very convincing and spin your words as your planetary ruler Mercury harmonizes with dreamy Neptune. Conversations aren’t totally clear, but we need mystery. Power dynamics in love and friendships can be investigated as Mercury connects with Pluto, cluing you into secrets. Cozy, domestic vibes flow as Mercury enters your chart’s house of home and family. You might have to call some things off as Mercury clashes with Saturn, clarifying your limits. Find an appropriate target for your anger or aggressive thoughts as Mars faces off with Uranus.

Libra: September 23, 2023 – October 23, 2023

You can understand things that other people don’t as your planetary ruler Venus harmonizes with Pluto, the planet of secrets. Your perspective is unique, misunderstood, and powerful. Venus enters your sign, bringing harmony to your relationship with others and with yourself. Feel out your personal values, and connect with your true feelings. If you had an infinite pool of money, how would you invest it? Consider this question as Mercury connects with Pluto, the planet of hidden resources. Try to recognize whether you’re in a frantic survival mode as you’re shopping while Mars faces off with Uranus, agitating your chart’s axis of personal resources.

Scorpio: October 23, 2023 – November 22, 2023

Creative self expression flows as messenger Mercury harmonizes with dreamy Neptune. This aspect is useful for connecting with your artistic or creative side, and also helpful for having heart-to-hearts or sharing your point of view with friends or lovers. You’re more in touch with what other people are feeling and thinking, so try to limit your time with any social settings that drain you. Your conspiratorial mind is turned on as Mercury connects with Pluto, the planet of secrets. Relationships are a site of nervous tension and bursts of passion as Mars faces off with Uranus.

Sagittarius: November 22, 2023 – December 21, 2023

Consider your cash flow as love planet Venus harmonizes with power planet Pluto, connecting you to your resources. I recommend a dream journal or dream interpretation as messenger Mercury harmonizes with dreamy Neptune, bringing insight into your unconscious mind and the collective’s beliefs. Mercury enters your sign, giving you the gift of the gab! You’ll have an easier, faster time expressing yourself and bringing your thoughts to life. But first, there are some procedures and roadblocks to handle as Mercury clashes with Saturn. Choose to avoid burnout and protect your health as Mars faces off with Uranus.

Capricorn: December 21, 2023 – January 20, 2024

Big time sensuality comes as love planet Venus harmonizes with power planet Pluto, encouraging you to express your deepest desires and share what’s in your heart. Venus enters your chart’s house of career, bringing harmony to your relationship to the public. Your personal power and magnetism are high as Mercury connects with Pluto, presenting the opportunity to advocate for issues that go unnoticed. You have to respect your own bias as Mercury clashes with Saturn, revealing your shortcomings. Time to rewrite strategy! Try to stay out of drama as Mars faces off with Uranus; let it cool down before you bite.

Aquarius: January 20, 2023 – February 18, 2023

Consider the mark that you want to make on this world. How you further develop humanity for future generations—whether that’s what you pass down to your own children, or the children of the world—can be a source of inspiration as messenger Mercury harmonizes with dreamy Neptune. This is also a good time to forgive yourself. You can go bravely into your psyche, targeting grief or pain as Mercury connects with Pluto. These thoughts can challenge your sense of self as Mercury clashes with Saturn. Keep your aggression in check as Mars faces off with Uranus: Be the bigger person this week.

Pisces: February 18, 2023 – March 20, 2023

As love planet Venus harmonizes with power planet Pluto, interpersonal dynamics may get blown out of proportion and taken to the next level. “Would you love me if I were a bug?” is a meaningful question, but don’t ask it if you don’t want the answer! Abstract conversations take you to new depths as messenger Mercury harmonizes with dreamy Neptune. Mercury enters your chart’s house of career, starting a new chapter in your public role. This can demand some self restraint or self-discipline as Mercury clashes with boring Saturn. Debates go nowhere, but conversations can get heated—and inexplicably brutal—as Mars faces off with Uranus.

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