Weekly Horoscope: December 11

Weekly Horoscope: December 11

Feelings are expressed as Mercury connects with Venus on Monday, December 11, at 2:16 PM: Creativity and heartfelt conversations flow.

The new moon in Sagittarius falls on Tuesday, December 12, at 6:32 PM, starting a new and hopeful cycle. The stillness of the full moon is accentuated by the slowness of Mercury retrograde on Wednesday, December 13, at 2:09 AM. Reflection, discernment, and silence can bring meaningful insights.

The sun clashes with dreamy Neptune on Saturday, December 16, at 10:43 AM, waking us up from a dream. This is a vibe shift and a change of perspective.

Read your December horoscope to find out more!

All times ET.

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Aries: March 20, 2023 – April 20, 2023

Collaborations run smoothly as Mercury, the planet of communication, connects with love planet Venus, bringing a helpful and easygoing vibe. Ask for any assistance that you need, material or emotional. The new moon in fellow fire sign Sagittarius falls in your chart’s house of higher education and faraway travel, stirring curiosity and galaxy-brained questions. Mercury retrograde begins in your chart’s house of career and public reputation, which can find you reflecting on the legacy that you have built thus far, and what you’d like to tweak or maintain in order to keep up the good work.

Taurus: April 20, 2023 – May 21, 2023

You’re able to express your insights with others as Mercury, the planet of communication, connects with your planetary ruler Venus. Intellectual and practical conversations flow. A sensitive new moon falls in an intimate sector of your chart, asking you to have faith in others and to find a sense of trust. Mercury retrograde begins in your chart’s house of public communication and travel, which can find you wanting to take your time while you figure out the greater meaning. Reflecting on what’s already been said or written can give you a more well-rounded understanding before coming to a sound conclusion.

Gemini: May 21, 2023 – June 21, 2023

Conversations about shared resources flow as your planetary ruler, Mercury, connects with Venus, the planet of love and money. This can improve communication at work. The new moon in your chart’s house of partnerships brings a new chapter in your interpersonal dynamics; this can be the conception of a new relationship or a new beginning in your current relationship. Mercury retrograde begins in your chart’s house of shared resources, which can find you reflecting on themes of intimacy and responsibilities in your relationships. The sun clashes with Neptune, opening your eyes to how other people perceive you and your reputation.

Cancer: June 21, 2023 – July 22, 2023

You’re getting to know what you want in your relationships as Mercury, the planet of communication, connects with love planet Venus. This can help you communicate or better understand what makes you happiest in your social and romantic life. This is also a helpful aspect for being creatively inspired by other people, and learning from their mistakes and personal histories. The new moon in your chart’s house of work and routine can give you a fresh start to initiate a new habit. Mercury retrograde begins in your chart’s house of relationships, which might bring up past conversations or even past partners over the coming weeks.

Leo: July 22, 2023 – August 23, 2023

You’re getting more familiar with what your body needs in order to feel like you’re at peak performance as Mercury connects with Venus. Making private time for yourself is a luxury that you can get used to! Connecting to what makes you happy is emphasized by the new moon in fellow fire sign Sagittarius, which falls in your chart’s house of leisure. Starting a new creative project or kicking off a series of game nights with your friends can keep you happy! Mercury retrograde begins in your chart’s house of health and routine, asking you to take time to straighten out your daily priorities. You’re confronting assumptions in your relationships as the sun clashes with Neptune.

Virgo: August 23, 2023 – September 23, 2023

You’re able to express yourself with warmth and compassion as your planetary ruler, Mercury, connects with Venus. This is a positive aspect for creative self-expression and communicating affectionately. The new moon in your chart’s house of home and family marks a time of new beginnings in your private life. This can redefine your relationship to your roots and your physical place in the world. Mercury retrograde begins in your chart’s house of leisure, which might bring some delays or twists in your social life. You’re confronting misunderstandings in your relationships as the sun clashes with Neptune, revealing personal truth to combat confusion.

Libra: September 23, 2023 – October 23, 2023

You can put some effort into making your home a more comfortable and supportive environment as Mercury connects with your planetary ruler, Venus. This might be a financial investment, or you’re finding a way to be resourceful and ask others for help. The new moon in your chart’s house of communication is a perfect time to start reading, writing, and mapping things out. You might find yourself asking questions about things that don’t normally get explored. Mercury retrograde begins in your chart’s house of home and family, which can bring about delays and moments for reflection in your personal life.

Scorpio: October 23, 2023 – November 22, 2023

You’re able to talk about what you want and how you feel with intention as Mercury, the planet of communication, connects with love planet Venus. Conversations are running pretty smoothly, which is good, since new moons are times of uncertainty that require more communication and listening. The new moon is a time of questioning and new beginnings, full of potential. The new moon in your chart’s house of personal resources offers a fresh beginning in your financial life. Mercury retrograde begins in your chart’s house of communication, stirring up past conversations for you to reconsider or bring new insights into.

Sagittarius: November 22, 2023 – December 21, 2023

Sagittarius season has you and your vision in the driver’s seat and the new moon in your sign gives you a fresh start! Your relationship to yourself and your identity shapes everything else. This might be a moment of reinvention, but being consistent and reliable is your current priority. You can stay loyal to others and true to yourself at the same time. Mercury retrograde begins in your chart’s house of personal resources, which might bring some delays or miscommunications in payments, so be careful with online shopping and hold onto your receipts. The sun clashes with Neptune, changing your perception of your home and family.

Capricorn: December 21, 2023 – January 20, 2024

You’re in touch with your feelings about the future as Mercury, the planet of communication, connects with love planet Venus. This is a social aspect that connects you with your friends and community, and the relationships that will make your dreams come true. The new moon in your chart’s house of secrets might find you ready to liberate yourself from emotional baggage! This might also be a new beginning in your relationship to spirituality and the unknown. Mercury retrograde begins in your sign, offering you the space to figure out exactly what you want to say. If you have to repeat yourself, maybe you can change your mind.

Aquarius: January 20, 2023 – February 18, 2023

You’re getting to know the deeper meaning of the role that you play as Mercury, the planet of communication, connects with Venus. Your legacy is so much greater than a VIP status. You’re connecting with ways to use your celebrity status or talk about issues that are underrepresented. You might be in the mood to volunteer or serve the public in a meaningful way. The new moon in your chart’s house of hopes and dreams gives you room to wonder and make wishes. Mercury retrograde begins in your chart’s house of secrets and psychology, which might find you digging through your dirty laundry.

Pisces: February 18, 2023 – March 20, 2023

Sagittarius season calls your attention to your public life as the sun moves through your chart’s house of career and reputation. The new moon in Sagittarius, the sign of the archer, can see you redefining your target. Find your source of inspiration and what sets your heart on fire! Mercury retrograde begins in your chart’s house of hopes and dreams, perhaps bringing old goals back for you to recover and integrate into your future plan. Your perception of yourself is changing as the sun clashes with Neptune, showing you a different side of yourself and your spirituality.

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