Daily Horoscope: January 5, 2024

Daily Horoscope: January 5, 2024

We’re invited to keep our projections in check as the moon in Libra squares off with Pluto in Capricorn at 6:41 AM, nudging us to consider how to best navigate freedom and fear. Our focus is fed with determination as the moon enters Scorpio and links up with its planetary ruler, Mars, in Scorpio at 7:39 AM and 9:03 AM, respectively.

We’re eager to put plans into action while also approaching our goals methodically and with serious consideration as the moon aligns with Saturn in Pisces at 2:49 PM. The mood is bolder and more sensational once the moon faces off with Jupiter in Taurus at 6:35 PM. Patience is rewarded now.

All times ET.

Read your monthly horoscope for January!

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Aries: March 19, 2024 – April 19, 2024

You’re embracing change, adapting, and securing your future as the moon in Scorpio links up with your planetary ruler Mars in Capricorn. There are strong partners in your corner, supporting your climb to new heights!

Taurus: April 19, 2024 – May 20, 2024

Discussions about keeping your actions aligned with your views could come up as the moon in Scorpio faces off with Jupiter in Taurus. Your relationships are nudging you to keep your eye on the prize.

Gemini: May 20, 2024 – June 20, 2024

Generous acts of kindness and service could offer healing on the physical and spiritual levels, to you and people in need of support, as the moon in Scorpio faces off with Jupiter in Taurus. It’s a good day to find balance between rest and selfless gestures. Other metrics of productivity can take the backseat now.

Cancer: June 20, 2024 – July 22, 2024

Discussions about freedom of choice could arise as the moon in Libra squares off with Pluto in Capricorn, encouraging you and others to consider how views shape one’s lifestyle and health trajectory. The people you’re closest to might need help easing fearful projections or you might be invited to contemplate the way people sometimes conflate freedom with the ability to squander. Passion and romance could bring excitement to your relationships as the moon enters Scorpio and links up with its planetary ruler, Mars, in Capricorn.

Leo: July 22, 2024 – August 22, 2024

You’re living life like you mean it, putting in the work to maintain your home and wellbeing as the moon in Scorpio faces off with Jupiter in Taurus. Though you’re giving your all in your personal life, you’re also finding inspiration to bring more art, peace, and beauty to the world! It’s a lovely day to create something for the sake of art itself.

Virgo: August 22, 2024 – September 22, 2024

Your relationships could offer the opportunity to participate in creative problem solving as the moon in Scorpio aligns with Saturn in Pisces. Motivating pep talks can energize your ideas, inspiring empowered action. The brains, the drive, and the passion to make things happen are all working together in an optimum way today.

Libra: September 22, 2024 – October 22, 2024

You might be having a hard time practicing what you preach as the moon in Libra squares off with Pluto in Capricorn, especially if you’re in the process of unlearning sticky habits and relearning how to live in, and wield, your true power. Justifying shortcomings could sabotage your hard work by letting you off the hook, but giving yourself grace when you falter is a reminder that you’re human and perfectly capable of living by the standards you set for yourself. Seek progress, not perfection, dear Libra.

Scorpio: October 22, 2024 – November 21, 2024

Your mind is hard at work today as the moon in your sign links up with your planetary ruler, Mars, in Capricorn. You could find yourself immersed in great works of literature and art, or capturing your own creative pieces on paper. If you have stories to tell, this is a great time to tell them! Having people in your life to share these concepts and ideas with feels invigorating and gratifying as the moon also faces off with Jupiter in Taurus.

Sagittarius: November 21, 2024 – December 21, 2024

Something could click today, aiding you in taking your capacity for rest and reflection to profound levels as the moon faces off with your planetary ruler, Jupiter, in Taurus. The moon’s alignment with Saturn in Pisces reinforces the motivation to prioritize your wellbeing, starting with the fundamental need for sleeping, dreaming, and letting your body regenerate the way it only can in the dark.

Capricorn: December 21, 2023 – January 20, 2024

Motivating conversations are taking place in your social circle as the moon in Scorpio links up with its planetary ruler, Mars, in Capricorn. You might find that you have something important to add as the moon also aligns with your planetary ruler, Saturn, in Pisces. Ideas are inspiring actions that matter!

Aquarius: January 20, 2024 – February 18, 2024

The moon in Scorpio links up with Mars in Capricorn, reminding you that making a difference and implementing the changes you want to see in the world will first require a build-up of energy. The moon also aligns with your planetary ruler Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to resist the urge to reveal your projects, research, and works in progress, and to keep incubating this material of substance until it’s matured.

Pisces:  February 18, 2024 – March 19, 2024

Big ideas could be carried through and brought to life as the moon in Scorpio faces off with Jupiter in Taurus. A willingness to improvise can take a project to the next level or move an important process along, closer to completion.

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