Daily Horoscope: January 1, 2024

Daily Horoscope: January 1, 2024

There’s clarity and precision in our train of thought as the moon in Virgo aligns with the sun in Capricorn at 3:59 AM. Solutions are being sought after, and found, as Venus in Sagittarius clashes with Saturn in Pisces at 8:26 AM. 

Details are more organized and progress is picking back up as Mercury in Sagittarius turns direct at 10:08 PM. We’re better oriented to the changes afoot than we were a few short weeks ago, giving us a great start to the new year! We’re feeling wildly creative and experimental as the moon connects with Uranus in Taurus at 10:09 PM. Who knows what we might be up to—or up for—in the moment!

All times ET.

Read your monthly horoscope for January!

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Aries: March 19, 2024 – April 19, 2024

You’re beginning the year with a strong connection to your intuition as Mercury in Sagittarius turns direct today. You’re feeling clearer about what you want in the long-run than you did just a few short weeks ago.

Taurus: April 19, 2024 – May 20, 2024

You’re making sure not to half-ass anything as Mercury in Sagittarius turns direct in your chart’s place of contracts and shared resources. Today’s a fresh start on multiple levels, and you’re showing up to your partnerships and commitments with integrity. You might be making new deals or compromises as your ruling planet Venus in Sagittarius clashes with Saturn in Pisces. Discussions about reciprocity might be in order.

Gemini: May 20, 2024 – June 20, 2024

If there weren’t a deep sense of purpose waiting to be fulfilled, you might think you’d float away (or perhaps sail off into the sunset). Your relationships and your career endeavors are helping you stay anchored, down to earth, as Venus in Sagittarius clashes with Saturn in Pisces. Having time and space for private conversations or intimate moments is on your mind as Mercury in Sagittarius turns direct. You’re more confident about intuiting your partnership status and needs than you did just a few short weeks ago. 

Cancer: June 20, 2024 – July 22, 2024

You’re beginning the year on a productive note, ready to put the elbow grease into make your dreams come true, as Mercury in Sagittarius turns direct. You could receive some much appreciated advice, encouragement, or physical support, buoying you through the work ahead.

Leo: July 22, 2024 – August 22, 2024

You’re reminded of the things that make life worth living as Mercury in Sagittarius turns direct today. Perhaps you feel back in touch with your muse or you’re seeing yourself through the eyes of an inspired audience or master that recognizes and praises your talent, making you feel connected to the world in a sacred way. Imagine what heights you’ll soar to this year!

Virgo: August 22, 2024 – September 22, 2024

Your relationships are inspired by the spiritual aspects of life as Venus in Sagittarius clashes with Saturn in Pisces, bringing philosophical (and perhaps righteous) conversations to the forefront. You’re feeling more connected to what a well-rounded life means and feels like, as Mercury in Sagittarius turns direct. The year is beginning with a sense of organization and peace in your personal life, making you content with where you are now.

Libra: September 22, 2024 – October 22, 2024

Creative ideas could compete for your attention as your planetary ruler Venus in Sagittarius clashes with Saturn in Pisces, nudging you to budget your time so you can spend some of your energy expressing yourself in uninhibited ways. Conversations about learning opportunities or an art form you’d like to invest more of your time, energy, and resources into arise as Mercury in Sagittarius also turns direct today. You’re beginning the year with giving people something to think about!

Scorpio: October 22, 2024 – November 21, 2024

Now that the busy holiday season is drifting into the background and Mercury in Sagittarius is turning direct, you could find more opportunities to connect and communicate in your relationships in an unhurried fashion. Conversations and plans that were put on hold in your partnerships could be picking back up at this time, encouraging follow-through on any changes that have been waiting to take place. Even if you want different things than your partners, finding a middle ground or reaching some kind of solution is much closer than it was a few short weeks ago.

Sagittarius: November 21, 2024 – December 21, 2024

You could be coming to terms with the fact that you and your family simply clash about how to do certain things as Venus in your sign squares off with Saturn in Pisces. You’re connected with your confidence, perhaps embracing more forward-thinking perspectives about work, health, and responsibilities. Mercury in Sagittarius also turns direct today, finding you more organized on every level than you were just a few short weeks ago. You’re stepping into the new year saying what you mean, sans apologies.

Capricorn: December 21, 2023 – January 20, 2024

It could feel like someone’s lit a fire under you, inspiring you to hunt and gather the information you need in order to sustain yourself through the rest of the mental and spiritual winter you’re weathering as Venus in Sagittarius squares off with your planetary ruler, Saturn, in Pisces. Co-present with Venus in your chart’s house of reflection, solitude, and transformation is Mercury, turning direct in Sagittarius; you’re connecting with the things and people that bring you joy in life more honestly than you might have been just a few short weeks ago. Let your dreams and intuition guide you through this transition into the new year!

Aquarius: January 20, 2024 – February 18, 2024

You’re under no illusions that what you want will be handed to you on a platter, and you’re undeterred from traveling the path that feels meant for you as Venus in Sagittarius squares off with Saturn in Pisces, joining dreamers, movers, and shakers like you in the process. Your aspiration and vision for the future feel more cohesive than just a few short weeks ago as Mercury in Sagittarius turns direct. Mapping out where you want to go, and where you want to settle, is more exciting as you consider what kind of stepping stone the year will be.

Pisces:  February 18, 2024 – March 19, 2024

You could be manifesting something regenerative for your community as Venus in Sagittarius clashes with Saturn in your sign; perhaps you’ll be holding space, providing a container where learning and constructive changes can take place. It’s full-steam ahead with ideas and projects in-the-making as Mercury in Sagittarius turns direct. You’re feeling clearer about the direction you want to take your career than you did a few short weeks ago, and you’re not looking back!

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