Aniplex’s Latest Anime Tease is Coming One Letter at a Time

Aniplex’s Latest Anime Tease is Coming One Letter at a Time

Aniplex’s Latest Anime Tease is Coming One Letter at a Time

by Joseph Luster
January 16, 2024


If you’re into the idea of drip-feed teases, Aniplex has something brewing for you this week. The company has been teasing a new anime project one letter at a time, starting with ‘O’ the other day and following it up with ‘M’ earlier today, pictured above.

Here’s a look at the first of the teases, which, again, is simply the letter ‘O’! 

This is all going down on the official Japanese Aniplex website, but don’t worry, we should have some answers soon. According to Aniplex, more details will be revealed on January 18. Granted, “more details” could mean “more letters,” so we’ll just have to wait and see what’s on the way next! 

Via Comic Natalie

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