10/12 PBE Update: Loot Assets & Tentative Balance Changes

10/12 PBE Update: Loot Assets & Tentative Balance Changes

The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 12.20 PBE cycle, today’s patch includes loot assets, the 12.20 balance changelist, & more!

Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change – what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents


Balance Changes

Here’s the full 12.20 balance changelist from Riot Phroxzon:

Full 12.20! Buffs to a few languishing champions and nerfs to Sett mid, Aatrox and Maokai. Aiming for power neutral for Sett top.

Making FH more of a damage deviation for fighters, Demonic slightly worse (but still good) as a 1 item splash for tanks (Zac, Amumu,e tc.) pic.twitter.com/dk8rFvrwn3

— Matt Leung-Harrison (@RiotPhroxzon) October 12, 2022

Context & Notes

1) Here’s the latest from the r/LeaguePBE feedback threads:


Thanks everyone for your feedback. The accessories team is still currently discussing her icon, but as of now there will be no updates for 12.20. For the skin itself, the team have decided to make these changes:


  • We’ve adjusted her tail to be less spiky, but we still wanted to keep her looking like a scruffy kitty
  • We’ve added a little bit more orange into the tail to match the splash


  • Q VFX and timing was adjusted for more clarity
  • Bats added to W trail
  • Ultimate Texture Resolution increased to avoid pixelation on the face and edge
  • We had to remove the tattoos and replaced it with a glowing teal rolling effect to fix an issue with tattoos not working on all champion clones


  • Q, E, and R volume was increased and made to feel more impactful
  • Changed R to make it sound more like the Bewitching thematic


Thanks everyone for your feedback. After discussing with the team we’ll be making the following changes: 

  • We pump up the audio cue for his E
  • We’ve increase the shininess of the gold on his voidlings”


After evaluating the feedback, we’ve made the following updates to Bewitching LeBlanc per your feedback:


  • Fixed an issue with the Q and RQ projectile when it initially spawns.

We have received a lot of great feedback and appreciate your trying to write feedback in a way that’s most helpful for us. Some suggestions either conflicted with other player feedback or with internal craft expertise, others (additional changes to her model, etc.) are out of scope for a PBE change. Thank you for taking the time to test Bewitching LeBlanc and sharing your feedback with us!”


Thanks everyone for your feedback. After discussing with the team we’ll be making the following changes:

  • We’ve pump up the volume of SFX assets on the R so that it sounds more impactful and stands out more in the mix
  • Fang VFX that indicates poison was adjusted to be more unique

Post PBE Update: 

Thank you for taking your time to provide feedback. We noticed that there are some contradicting comments/posts (eg. Some people how the skin looks vs others not liking some shades of colors). We have therefore decided not to make any changes”.

Post PBE Update: 

Thank you for taking your time to provide the feedback. We will not be making any changes at this point in time. 

Bewitching Neeko: Colors on tail will not be changed to match the hair as we wanted to provide more choices to players. Having the tail and hair the same shade/color will make everything look too monochromatic”

Check out [THIS PAGEfor a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !

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